    [0] => Array
            [file] => /var/www/vhosts/
            [line] => 79
            [function] => Sys_ItemQuery
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => 
                    [1] => Array
                            [where] => Array
                                    [0] => sys_id = 

                            [select] => Array
                                    [0] => *
                                    [price_org] => Array
                                            [excl] => ( price_org.price_excl * 1) 
                                            [incl] => ( ROUND( price_org.price_excl*1*[%vat%][this.account_cat] ) )

                                    [vat] => ( ([%vat%][this.account_cat] - 1)*100 )
                                    [price] => Array
                                            [excl] => ( LEAST( COALESCE(round(price_org.price_excl * ((100-MAX(disc_quantity.disc_price_percent))/100)) , price_org.price_excl),
									COALESCE(MIN(price_quantity.price_excl), price_org.price_excl)	) * 1
                                            [incl] => ( ROUND(
								LEAST( COALESCE(round(price_org.price_excl * ((100-MAX(disc_quantity.disc_price_percent))/100)) , price_org.price_excl),
									COALESCE(MIN(price_quantity.price_excl), price_org.price_excl)	)*[%vat%][COALESCE(this.account_cat,'0')]  * 1
                                            [discount] => ( GREATEST( COALESCE(MAX(disc_quantity.disc_price_percent), 0),
							   	  ( (price_org.price_excl - COALESCE(MIN(price_quantity.price_excl), price_org.price_excl)) / price_org.price_excl * 100 )) )
                                            [discount_type] => (
									COALESCE(price_org.price_excl * ((100-MAX(disc_quantity.disc_price_percent))/100) , price_org.price_excl)
									COALESCE(MIN(price_quantity.price_excl), price_org.price_excl),
								) )

                                    [quantity] => ( IF(COALESCE(disc_quantity.quantity,1) > COALESCE(this.min_qty, 1) , disc_quantity.quantity, IF(this.min_qty > 1, this.min_qty, 1)) )
                                    [pricelist1] => Array
                                            [excl] => ( pricelist1.price_excl * 1 )
                                            [incl] => ( ROUND( pricelist1.price_excl * 1 * [%vat%][COALESCE(this.account_cat,'0')] ))


                            [connect] => Array
                                    [disc_quantity] => Array
                                            [table] => prod_disc-s1
                                            [unique] => 1
                                            [connector] => 
                                            [where] => Array
                                                    [0] => sys_active = 1
                                                    [1] => pricelist = '0'
                                                    [2] => date_start <= 1737568800 OR disc_quantity.date_start is null
                                                    [3] => date_end > 1737568800 OR disc_quantity.date_end  < 1  OR  disc_quantity.date_end  is null
                                                    [4] => product_type = 'all' OR  (disc_quantity.sys_pid = this.sys_id AND disc_quantity.sys_ptable = 'prod_prod-s1' AND disc_quantity.product_type = 'product') OR
                    (disc_quantity.product_disc_group = this.disc_group AND disc_quantity.product_type = 'group')
                                                    [5] => contact_type = 'all' OR
                    (disc_quantity.contact_item = 'cont_cont-s1/' AND disc_quantity.contact_type = 'contact') 
                                                    [6] => campaign_code  = ''
                                                    [7] => quantity <= COALESCE(this.min_qty, 1) OR ( (this.min_qty = 0 OR this.min_qty is NULL) AND disc_quantity.quantity < 2 )


                                    [price_quantity] => Array
                                            [chain] => 1
                                            [table] => prod_pric-s1
                                            [where] => Array
                                                    [0] => currency = 'SEK' AND disc_quantity.disc_price_type = 'price'
                                                    [1] => price_excl > 0


                                    [price_org] => Array
                                            [table] => prod_pric-s1
                                            [unique] => 1
                                            [where] => Array
                                                    [0] => currency = 'SEK'
                                                    [1] => pricelist = '0'


                                    [price] => Array
                                            [table] => 
                                            [unique] => 1

                                    [pricelist1] => Array
                                            [table] => prod_pric-s1
                                            [unique] => 1
                                            [where] => Array
                                                    [0] => currency = 'SEK'
                                                    [1] => pricelist = 0



                            [groupby] => this.sys_id
                            [parameters] => Array
                                    [vat] => Array
                                            [1] => 1.25
                                            [2] => 1.12
                                            [3] => 1.06
                                            [4] => 1.25
                                            [5] => 1.25
                                            [6] => 1
                                            [] => 1


                            [having] => Array

                            [publish] => 
                            [user] => Array
                                    [0] => 4




    [1] => Array
            [file] => /var/www/vhosts/
            [line] => 91
            [function] => Connect_ItemQuery
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => 
                    [1] => Array
                            [where] => Array
                                    [0] => sys_id = 

                            [select] => Array
                                    [0] => *
                                    [price_org] => Array
                                            [excl] => ( price_org.price_excl * 1) 
                                            [incl] => ( ROUND( price_org.price_excl*1*[%vat%][this.account_cat] ) )

                                    [vat] => ( ([%vat%][this.account_cat] - 1)*100 )
                                    [price] => Array
                                            [excl] => ( LEAST( COALESCE(round(price_org.price_excl * ((100-MAX(disc_quantity.disc_price_percent))/100)) , price_org.price_excl),
									COALESCE(MIN(price_quantity.price_excl), price_org.price_excl)	) * 1
                                            [incl] => ( ROUND(
								LEAST( COALESCE(round(price_org.price_excl * ((100-MAX(disc_quantity.disc_price_percent))/100)) , price_org.price_excl),
									COALESCE(MIN(price_quantity.price_excl), price_org.price_excl)	)*[%vat%][COALESCE(this.account_cat,'0')]  * 1
                                            [discount] => ( GREATEST( COALESCE(MAX(disc_quantity.disc_price_percent), 0),
							   	  ( (price_org.price_excl - COALESCE(MIN(price_quantity.price_excl), price_org.price_excl)) / price_org.price_excl * 100 )) )
                                            [discount_type] => (
									COALESCE(price_org.price_excl * ((100-MAX(disc_quantity.disc_price_percent))/100) , price_org.price_excl)
									COALESCE(MIN(price_quantity.price_excl), price_org.price_excl),
								) )

                                    [quantity] => ( IF(COALESCE(disc_quantity.quantity,1) > COALESCE(this.min_qty, 1) , disc_quantity.quantity, IF(this.min_qty > 1, this.min_qty, 1)) )
                                    [pricelist1] => Array
                                            [excl] => ( pricelist1.price_excl * 1 )
                                            [incl] => ( ROUND( pricelist1.price_excl * 1 * [%vat%][COALESCE(this.account_cat,'0')] ))


                            [connect] => Array
                                    [disc_quantity] => Array
                                            [table] => prod_disc-s1
                                            [unique] => 1
                                            [connector] => 
                                            [where] => Array
                                                    [0] => sys_active = 1
                                                    [1] => pricelist = '0'
                                                    [2] => date_start <= 1737568800 OR disc_quantity.date_start is null
                                                    [3] => date_end > 1737568800 OR disc_quantity.date_end  < 1  OR  disc_quantity.date_end  is null
                                                    [4] => product_type = 'all' OR  (disc_quantity.sys_pid = this.sys_id AND disc_quantity.sys_ptable = 'prod_prod-s1' AND disc_quantity.product_type = 'product') OR
                    (disc_quantity.product_disc_group = this.disc_group AND disc_quantity.product_type = 'group')
                                                    [5] => contact_type = 'all' OR
                    (disc_quantity.contact_item = 'cont_cont-s1/' AND disc_quantity.contact_type = 'contact') 
                                                    [6] => campaign_code  = ''
                                                    [7] => quantity <= COALESCE(this.min_qty, 1) OR ( (this.min_qty = 0 OR this.min_qty is NULL) AND disc_quantity.quantity < 2 )


                                    [price_quantity] => Array
                                            [chain] => 1
                                            [table] => prod_pric-s1
                                            [where] => Array
                                                    [0] => currency = 'SEK' AND disc_quantity.disc_price_type = 'price'
                                                    [1] => price_excl > 0


                                    [price_org] => Array
                                            [table] => prod_pric-s1
                                            [unique] => 1
                                            [where] => Array
                                                    [0] => currency = 'SEK'
                                                    [1] => pricelist = '0'


                                    [price] => Array
                                            [table] => 
                                            [unique] => 1

                                    [pricelist1] => Array
                                            [table] => prod_pric-s1
                                            [unique] => 1
                                            [where] => Array
                                                    [0] => currency = 'SEK'
                                                    [1] => pricelist = 0



                            [groupby] => this.sys_id
                            [parameters] => Array
                                    [vat] => Array
                                            [1] => 1.25
                                            [2] => 1.12
                                            [3] => 1.06
                                            [4] => 1.25
                                            [5] => 1.25
                                            [6] => 1
                                            [] => 1


                            [having] => Array

                            [publish] => 
                            [user] => Array
                                    [0] => 4




    [2] => Array
            [file] => /var/www/vhosts/
            [line] => 472
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => /var/www/vhosts/

            [function] => require

    [3] => Array
            [file] => /var/www/vhosts/
            [line] => 1334
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => /var/www/vhosts/

            [function] => include


Warning: Sys_ItemQuery: ERROR! table= in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 3385
    [0] => Array
            [file] => /var/www/vhosts/
            [line] => 79
            [function] => Sys_ItemQuery
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => 
                    [1] => Array
                            [where] => Array
                                    [0] => sys_id = 

                            [select] => Array
                                    [0] => *
                                    [price_org] => Array
                                            [excl] => ( price_org.price_excl * 1) 
                                            [incl] => ( ROUND( price_org.price_excl*1*[%vat%][this.account_cat] ) )

                                    [vat] => ( ([%vat%][this.account_cat] - 1)*100 )
                                    [price] => Array
                                            [excl] => ( LEAST( COALESCE(round(price_org.price_excl * ((100-MAX(disc_quantity.disc_price_percent))/100)) , price_org.price_excl),
									COALESCE(MIN(price_quantity.price_excl), price_org.price_excl)	) * 1
                                            [incl] => ( ROUND(
								LEAST( COALESCE(round(price_org.price_excl * ((100-MAX(disc_quantity.disc_price_percent))/100)) , price_org.price_excl),
									COALESCE(MIN(price_quantity.price_excl), price_org.price_excl)	)*[%vat%][COALESCE(this.account_cat,'0')]  * 1
                                            [discount] => ( GREATEST( COALESCE(MAX(disc_quantity.disc_price_percent), 0),
							   	  ( (price_org.price_excl - COALESCE(MIN(price_quantity.price_excl), price_org.price_excl)) / price_org.price_excl * 100 )) )
                                            [discount_type] => (
									COALESCE(price_org.price_excl * ((100-MAX(disc_quantity.disc_price_percent))/100) , price_org.price_excl)
									COALESCE(MIN(price_quantity.price_excl), price_org.price_excl),
								) )

                                    [quantity] => ( IF(COALESCE(disc_quantity.quantity,1) > COALESCE(this.min_qty, 1) , disc_quantity.quantity, IF(this.min_qty > 1, this.min_qty, 1)) )
                                    [pricelist1] => Array
                                            [excl] => ( pricelist1.price_excl * 1 )
                                            [incl] => ( ROUND( pricelist1.price_excl * 1 * [%vat%][COALESCE(this.account_cat,'0')] ))


                            [connect] => Array
                                    [disc_quantity] => Array
                                            [table] => prod_disc-s1
                                            [unique] => 1
                                            [connector] => 
                                            [where] => Array
                                                    [0] => sys_active = 1
                                                    [1] => pricelist = '0'
                                                    [2] => date_start <= 1737568800 OR disc_quantity.date_start is null
                                                    [3] => date_end > 1737568800 OR disc_quantity.date_end  < 1  OR  disc_quantity.date_end  is null
                                                    [4] => product_type = 'all' OR  (disc_quantity.sys_pid = this.sys_id AND disc_quantity.sys_ptable = 'prod_prod-s1' AND disc_quantity.product_type = 'product') OR
                    (disc_quantity.product_disc_group = this.disc_group AND disc_quantity.product_type = 'group')
                                                    [5] => contact_type = 'all' OR
                    (disc_quantity.contact_item = 'cont_cont-s1/' AND disc_quantity.contact_type = 'contact') 
                                                    [6] => campaign_code  = ''
                                                    [7] => quantity <= COALESCE(this.min_qty, 1) OR ( (this.min_qty = 0 OR this.min_qty is NULL) AND disc_quantity.quantity < 2 )


                                    [price_quantity] => Array
                                            [chain] => 1
                                            [table] => prod_pric-s1
                                            [where] => Array
                                                    [0] => currency = 'SEK' AND disc_quantity.disc_price_type = 'price'
                                                    [1] => price_excl > 0


                                    [price_org] => Array
                                            [table] => prod_pric-s1
                                            [unique] => 1
                                            [where] => Array
                                                    [0] => currency = 'SEK'
                                                    [1] => pricelist = '0'


                                    [price] => Array
                                            [table] => 
                                            [unique] => 1

                                    [pricelist1] => Array
                                            [table] => prod_pric-s1
                                            [unique] => 1
                                            [where] => Array
                                                    [0] => currency = 'SEK'
                                                    [1] => pricelist = 0



                            [groupby] => this.sys_id
                            [parameters] => Array
                                    [vat] => Array
                                            [1] => 1.25
                                            [2] => 1.12
                                            [3] => 1.06
                                            [4] => 1.25
                                            [5] => 1.25
                                            [6] => 1
                                            [] => 1


                            [having] => Array

                            [publish] => 
                            [user] => Array
                                    [0] => 4




    [1] => Array
            [file] => /var/www/vhosts/
            [line] => 292
            [function] => Connect_ItemQuery
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => 
                    [1] => Array
                            [where] => Array
                                    [0] => sys_id = 

                            [select] => Array
                                    [0] => *
                                    [price_org] => Array
                                            [excl] => ( price_org.price_excl * 1) 
                                            [incl] => ( ROUND( price_org.price_excl*1*[%vat%][this.account_cat] ) )

                                    [vat] => ( ([%vat%][this.account_cat] - 1)*100 )
                                    [price] => Array
                                            [excl] => ( LEAST( COALESCE(round(price_org.price_excl * ((100-MAX(disc_quantity.disc_price_percent))/100)) , price_org.price_excl),
									COALESCE(MIN(price_quantity.price_excl), price_org.price_excl)	) * 1
                                            [incl] => ( ROUND(
								LEAST( COALESCE(round(price_org.price_excl * ((100-MAX(disc_quantity.disc_price_percent))/100)) , price_org.price_excl),
									COALESCE(MIN(price_quantity.price_excl), price_org.price_excl)	)*[%vat%][COALESCE(this.account_cat,'0')]  * 1
                                            [discount] => ( GREATEST( COALESCE(MAX(disc_quantity.disc_price_percent), 0),
							   	  ( (price_org.price_excl - COALESCE(MIN(price_quantity.price_excl), price_org.price_excl)) / price_org.price_excl * 100 )) )
                                            [discount_type] => (
									COALESCE(price_org.price_excl * ((100-MAX(disc_quantity.disc_price_percent))/100) , price_org.price_excl)
									COALESCE(MIN(price_quantity.price_excl), price_org.price_excl),
								) )

                                    [quantity] => ( IF(COALESCE(disc_quantity.quantity,1) > COALESCE(this.min_qty, 1) , disc_quantity.quantity, IF(this.min_qty > 1, this.min_qty, 1)) )
                                    [pricelist1] => Array
                                            [excl] => ( pricelist1.price_excl * 1 )
                                            [incl] => ( ROUND( pricelist1.price_excl * 1 * [%vat%][COALESCE(this.account_cat,'0')] ))


                            [connect] => Array
                                    [disc_quantity] => Array
                                            [table] => prod_disc-s1
                                            [unique] => 1
                                            [connector] => 
                                            [where] => Array
                                                    [0] => sys_active = 1
                                                    [1] => pricelist = '0'
                                                    [2] => date_start <= 1737568800 OR disc_quantity.date_start is null
                                                    [3] => date_end > 1737568800 OR disc_quantity.date_end  < 1  OR  disc_quantity.date_end  is null
                                                    [4] => product_type = 'all' OR  (disc_quantity.sys_pid = this.sys_id AND disc_quantity.sys_ptable = 'prod_prod-s1' AND disc_quantity.product_type = 'product') OR
                    (disc_quantity.product_disc_group = this.disc_group AND disc_quantity.product_type = 'group')
                                                    [5] => contact_type = 'all' OR
                    (disc_quantity.contact_item = 'cont_cont-s1/' AND disc_quantity.contact_type = 'contact') 
                                                    [6] => campaign_code  = ''
                                                    [7] => quantity <= COALESCE(this.min_qty, 1) OR ( (this.min_qty = 0 OR this.min_qty is NULL) AND disc_quantity.quantity < 2 )


                                    [price_quantity] => Array
                                            [chain] => 1
                                            [table] => prod_pric-s1
                                            [where] => Array
                                                    [0] => currency = 'SEK' AND disc_quantity.disc_price_type = 'price'
                                                    [1] => price_excl > 0


                                    [price_org] => Array
                                            [table] => prod_pric-s1
                                            [unique] => 1
                                            [where] => Array
                                                    [0] => currency = 'SEK'
                                                    [1] => pricelist = '0'


                                    [price] => Array
                                            [table] => 
                                            [unique] => 1

                                    [pricelist1] => Array
                                            [table] => prod_pric-s1
                                            [unique] => 1
                                            [where] => Array
                                                    [0] => currency = 'SEK'
                                                    [1] => pricelist = 0



                            [groupby] => this.sys_id
                            [parameters] => Array
                                    [vat] => Array
                                            [1] => 1.25
                                            [2] => 1.12
                                            [3] => 1.06
                                            [4] => 1.25
                                            [5] => 1.25
                                            [6] => 1
                                            [] => 1


                            [having] => Array

                            [publish] => 
                            [user] => Array
                                    [0] => 4




    [2] => Array
            [file] => /var/www/vhosts/
            [line] => 472
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => /var/www/vhosts/

            [function] => require

    [3] => Array
            [file] => /var/www/vhosts/
            [line] => 1334
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => /var/www/vhosts/

            [function] => include


Warning: Sys_ItemQuery: ERROR! table= in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 3385

Ultimax Mercedes-Benz AMG GT S 4.0 Twin Turbo (Carbon Ceramic Discs) 510hk (2014-) - Fram

För bilar med 402mm bromsskiva 

Ultimax  Mercedes-Benz AMG GT S 4.0 Twin Turbo (Carbon Ceramic Discs) 510hk (2014-) - Fram
0 Kr
Lagersaldo: Slutsåld
Leveranstid: Ej Tillgänglig
Ej Tillgänglig


Fråga oss om produkt - Ultimax Mercedes-Benz AMG GT S 4.0 Twin Turbo (Carbon Ceramic Discs) 510hk (2014-) - Fram



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